When you play online bingo, you can chat with other members, your friends and the bingo master. In a short time, a special language has been developed for use during bingochat, herein I'm referred to as "bingo lingo". This "lingo" saves time when typing messages, which is essential for fast play.
Making friends in a chat is relatively simple - so use as much and learn as many people as possible. These new friends can give you valuable information, such as when the last jackpots were won and what are the current promotions.

Here is an extensive list of "bingo lingo", it will take a while to read, but I'm sure you'll hang on:
·         AFAIK = as far as I know
·         AFK = A away from the keyboard
·         AFK2W = Keyboard keyboard (to wee)
·         AKA = Also known as
·         ASAP = A as soon as possible
·         BBIAM = B back in a minute
·         BBL = return later
·         BBS = Get back soon
·         BDT = 'bolt darn time
·         BF = Boyfriend
·         BLNT = Better luck next time
·         BRB = Return
·         VAT = Incidentally
·         CYA = see you
·         CYAL8R = See you later
·         EMSG = Email
·         FAQ = Frequently asked questions
·         FWIW = For what it's worth
·         FYI = For your information
·         GF = Girlfriend
·         GG = Go well (good game)
·         GL = Lots of success
·         GLA = good luck all
·         GLE = Good luck everyone
·         GM = Good morning
·         GMTA = Great thoughts think the same
·         GN = Good night
·         GTSY = happy to see you
·         H & A = hug and kiss
·         HB = Rewind
·         HHIS = Shining head in shame
·         IC = I see
·         IYKWIM = If you know what I mean
·         IGP = I have to pee
·         IGPI = In my opinion
·         IRL = In real life
·         JK = Just joking
·         JMO = Just my opinion
·         JTLYK = Just to let you know
·         KIT = Stay in touch
·         KOTC = Kiss on the cheek
·         KOTL = Kiss on the lips
·         L8R = Later
·         G8R = Later streets
·         LMAO = Leaves my ass
·         LOL = laugh out loud
·         LOFTING = Talking in private chat (the loft)
·         LTNS = Long time not visible
·         LUWAMH = Love you with all my heart
·         LY = Love ya
·         NETUA = Nobody ever tells us anything
·         NP = No problem
·         OIC = Oh, I see
·         OMG = Oh my goodness (gawd)
·         OTOH = On the other hand
·         PITA = Pain in the @ $$
·         PM = Private Message
·         POOF = I left the chat
·         PPL = People
·         QT = Cutie
·         ROFL = Smiles on the floor laughing
·         ROFLMAO = Roll on the floor smile my @ $$ off     

·         RTF = Read the FAQ
·         RTSM = Read the stupid manual
·         SAC = Sorry, everything close
·         SO = Significantly different
·         SOHF = Sense of humor failure
·         SPAM = Foolish Personal Advertisement
·         SRY = Sorry
·         SWALK = Sealed with a loving kiss
·         SWL = Screaming with laughter
·         SYS = See you soon
·         TC = Be careful
·         TOY = Think of you
·         TPTB = The permissions there
·         TTFN = Take care now
·         TTYL = Talk to you later
·         TX = Thank you
·         TY = Thanks
·         TYVM = Thank you very much
·         VEG = Very angry grin
·         WB = Welcome back
·         WTG = Away to go
·         WTH = What / who the heck
·         WYSIWYG = What you see is what you get
·         YBS = I'm sorry
·         YMMV = Your mileage may vary
·         YSR = Yes ... sure ... right
·         YVW = You are welcome
·         YW = You are welcome

As you can see, there is a lot of new language to learn, but it saves you a lot of time when you speak in the bingo chat rooms. If you have any words you want to add to the list, send me a message through the forum.

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