
Showing posts with the label Database management system

What is Database and its Model Types

Do you know what a Database is and the type of database model. You would know that there is so much demand for data and information in today's world. Data and Information In a short time, you can only find it by searching the Internet. You have to do so much work; you have to write your questions in Mobile Browser or in Google Search. Within a few seconds, you will get the answers to your questions. Major companies know their Employees (Name, Salary, IDno, and Address). Information of children studying in college and schools such as Name, Roll no, Address, City, Everything is available in Internet nowadays. But where people are present in the Internet, less people know this thing. But you will get the answer soon. Now all the Aadhar Cards are being made in India, I mean almost crores of Adharcard have been made. All these information are also in the Internet. Banks and Online Reservation (Train, Flight, Hotel) in these also change a lot of data everyday. Transaction in the ba...