
Showing posts with the label online bingo sites UK A STATISTICAL VIEW ON BINGO


When bingo comes to mind, what do you think about? Is it fun, excitement, win? Many of us do not consider the statistical aspect of the game. We are in there to win and that's all we know, but some can say that there are actually a number of things to be considered when playing bingo. They say that calculating bingo odds is quite simple to do. It is to divide the number of cards you purchased for the number of general cards in the game. For example, if you buy 4 cards and there are 100 in the game, then your odds are 4 to 100 to win that game. Has a 4% chance of bingo sound very good? So easy a formula as that is to find out is the hardest part to determine how many cards have been bought in total. All you can do, take the total number of players in the room, this is usually displayed at the top of the room and multiplies that number with the average number of cards you think they bought or just assuming each player has bought the maximum. Keep in mind that the odds you know...