In recent years bingo has undergone a major revival and looks to further develop and grow in the coming years, which is good news for the whole bingo community!

Only in the United Kingdom, bingo consists of a total annual interest of approximately $ 1.1 billion, which is a huge figure that will grow even further. The national game of bingo is now big business and this is not just the bingo hall. HM Customs and Accise collects approximately £ 115 million annually on bingo. Also big name companies like virgin invest heavily in the bingo scene, which is good for players and Richard Branson.

Bingo - back from the edge of extinction

The popularity of bingo came in the seventies. The local bingo hall provided a cheap and enjoyable form of entertainment that allows people to socialize without breaking the bank. This trend suddenly declined in the early 1990s. The best mobile bingo sites game became old-fashioned and got a "cool" image by the OAP's hoards who occupy the bingo halls. But unlike the dinosaurs bingo rescued from extinction, the popularity of the game increases at a surprising rate.

This new and growing popularity increase is partly due to the vigorous marketing campaigns carried out by the bingo companies. Television and literacy campaigns for bingo are now best bingo sites in the UK and companies are trying to renew the game by modifying some of the outdated "old-day" language that seems to keep in the past, this change has been accelerated by Het success of online bingo sites, the main vocabulary is now speaking more as text with the strange mention of the age old favorites. (See our bingo lingo section to help you learn this special language quickly)

Who benefits from bingo?
It's surprising to hear that it's not just the bingo halls that benefit from the new version of the game. The internet has changed the bingo industry forever, and for many people this can only be a positive factor. Players can now reach their favorite new bingo sites uk  with the button of the button and click of a mouse, all from the comfort of their own home. What is interesting to note is that the majority of players are female players looking for a lively, non-threatening and welcoming environment to play. Chat rooms have become the socialization sister in a bingo hall (we have our own bingo forum that you can also use  to chat with members too!) - with the added benefit that there is no shutter speed, you can talk to who you want and you Does not have to be dressed to do it.

The Free Bingo Sites Online scene will continue to grow, with Free Bingo Sites Online launching every other month, it seems that the air is the limit, which means more excitement for all lovers of how quickly PLANET's favorite game will be!


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